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Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: phuedx (Sam Smith)

Switch to Active Tasks 21 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T123290 T123290: Should be possible to access references and notes for a given page via API resolved Medium (orange) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
T125134 T125134: Spike: Can we store a JSON blob of references data in ParserOutput resolved Medium (orange) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
    T126592 T126592: Remove magic number timeout if possible when lazy loading images resolved Medium (orange) Jhernandez (Joaquin Oltra Hernandez) phuedx (Sam Smith)
      T137822 T137822: Deploy lazy loaded images and references to resolved High (red) Jhernandez (Joaquin Oltra Hernandez) phuedx (Sam Smith)
      T156408 T156408: Create interface between Skin and MobileFormatter resolved Medium (orange) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
        T168004 T168004: [Spike 6hrs] Investigate ability of vivliostyle to render single articles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) phuedx (Sam Smith)
        T171964 T171964: [Spike - 8 hrs] Where should article concatenation be implemented? resolved High (red) bmansurov (b) phuedx (Sam Smith)
          T174430 T174430: Create a staging environment for OCG/Proton resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
            T177672 T177672: Collection tests do not run properly resolved High (red) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
            T177795 T177795: Remove references to OCG service from prod config resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
              T177801 T177801: Collection phpunit tests are failing for table of contents when run locally resolved High (red) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                T177988 T177988: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.31.0-wmf.2/extensions/Collection/includes/DataProvider.php on line 152 resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                  T178278 T178278: Performance test the service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                    T178501 T178501: Limit resources used by Chromium in order to make the chromium-render service ready for production resolved High (red) bmansurov (b) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                      T180601 T180601: Add logging to the mediawiki-services-chromium-render service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                        T180626 T180626: [Spike 8hr] How should we limit resources used by chromium render service? resolved High (red) bmansurov (b) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                        T181118 T181118: [EPIC] Build a Chromium-based PDF renderer service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                        T189307 T189307: Instrument the Proton service to match mediawiki-services-electron-render resolved Medium (orange) pmiazga (Piotr Miazga) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                          T240622 T240622: [Technical debt payoff] Remove InlineDiffFormatter and InlineDifferenceEngine from MobileFrontend resolved Medium (orange) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                            T69054 T69054: API mobileview "protection" sometimes returns object, sometimes returns empty array in JSON output resolved Medium (orange) brion (Brion Vibber) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                            T87965 T87965: Convert RelatedArticles to use extension registration resolved Needs Triage (violet) Legoktm (Legoktm) phuedx (Sam Smith)

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