This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: phuedx (Sam Smith)

Switch to Active Tasks 18 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T123325 T123325: [SPIKE] Redo loot-style content analysis but with the MediaWiki parser resolved Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jhernandez (Joaquin Oltra Hernandez)
    T124770 T124770: Feature flagged Lazily load images resolved Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jhernandez (Joaquin Oltra Hernandez)
    T124771 T124771: [SPIKE] How do we measure the impact of lazily loading images resolved Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
    T130349 T130349: [SPIKE] Verify lazy loading images doesn't break Wikipedia Zero resolved Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
      T130551 T130551: Refactor mobile references code declined Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith)
      T133015 T133015: Extract ReferencesController class from mobile.references/references.js duplicate Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
        T174430 T174430: Create a staging environment for OCG/Proton resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
          T174437 T174437: [Spike] Review OCG instrumentation resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
          T176467 T176467: [Spike 3hrs] Which browsers are downloading PDFs? resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
          T176627 T176627: Trial replacing Electron with headless Chromium in the render service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) bmansurov (b)
            T177765 T177765: Security review of mediawiki-services-chromium-render resolved Needs Triage (violet) phuedx (Sam Smith) Bawolff (Brian Wolff)
              T177795 T177795: Remove references to OCG service from prod config resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                T178186 T178186: Update Node.js version/dependencies in package.json declined Needs Triage (violet) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                  T178278 T178278: Performance test the service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                    T178289 T178289: Restrict access to the testing URL for the new book rendering workflow resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
                      T180601 T180601: Add logging to the mediawiki-services-chromium-render service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                        T181118 T181118: [EPIC] Build a Chromium-based PDF renderer service resolved High (red) phuedx (Sam Smith) phuedx (Sam Smith)
                        T184609 T184609: [4hrs] Document the service resolved Medium (orange) phuedx (Sam Smith) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)