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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)

Switch to Active Tasks 33 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T146757 T146757: Begin conversation with community on move from OCG to Electron resolved Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) Johan (Johan Jönsson)
T154964 T154964: [EPIC] Improve mobile print styles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
T159857 T159857: Apply new mobile visual print styles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) Nirzar (Nirzar)
T163272 T163272: [Spike] Determine changes necessary for concatenation support resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) pmiazga (Piotr Miazga)
    T167117 T167117: [Spike 6hrs] Investigate ability of wkhtmltopdf to render single articles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
      T167955 T167955: Create PDF styles for books invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
        T168004 T168004: [Spike 6hrs] Investigate ability of vivliostyle to render single articles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) phuedx (Sam Smith)
        T168871 T168871: Introduct toc with page numbers during pdf post-processing resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
          T169738 T169738: [Spike 8hrs] Investigate ability of using post-processing approach with new print styles invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
          T169757 T169757: Improve usability of "download as pdf" page invalid Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
            T170947 T170947: [Spike 4hrs] Investigate grafana dashboard for PDF's resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
              T171832 T171832: Deploy new book renderer to all projects invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
              T171833 T171833: Deploy new book renderer to all projects side by side with OCG duplicate High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
              T171834 T171834: Create page for testing new book renderer invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                T171836 T171836: Apply new print styles for books invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                T171838 T171838: Build out article concatenation according to requirements for books resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) pmiazga (Piotr Miazga)
                T171956 T171956: Allow PDF rendering to be triggered only by electron for single-article PDFs resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ABorbaWMF
                T171957 T171957: [Spike 8hrs] How should the new print styles be applied to single-article ("save as PDF") PDFs? invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                  T171960 T171960: Create a library to post-process PDF and add page numbers and table of contents invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                  T172184 T172184: QA of new desktop print styles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ABorbaWMF
                  T172414 T172414: Add print styles test articles to the beta cluster resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                    T174147 T174147: Update banner on books page resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                      T174148 T174148: Remove OCG as an option in book creator invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                        T174670 T174670: Remove banner from saved books stalled Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                        T174955 T174955: Infobox styling disappears in firefox declined Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                          T174957 T174957: Infobox breaking toc in new print styles resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ABorbaWMF
                            T175681 T175681: Redesign book creator UI open Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                              T175856 T175856: Implement changes to article concatenation based on books requirements resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                              T176463 T176463: [Spike 8hrs] Investigate libraries for post-processing without non-JS dependencies resolved High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson)
                                T183161 T183161: Performance test books on chromium rendering service invalid High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                                  T199307 T199307: Determine treatment for empty lines in diffs open Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
                                  T257211 T257211: Determine frequency of usage of language variants open Low (yellow) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) jwang (Jennifer)
                                    T295910 T295910: Yellow talk page message banner appearing inconsistently on edit page open High (red) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)