This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)

Switch to Active Tasks 12 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T128077 T128077: Create a PKI that can be used by Puppet and for general purpose certificates resolved Medium (orange) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
    T134989 T134989: WDQS empty response - transfer clsoed with 15042 bytes remaining to read resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) ema (Emanuele Rocca)
      T176335 T176335: logs sent to logstash are lost when the elasticsearch cirrus cluster is unavailable open Medium (orange) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
      T176430 T176430: api feature logs should be sent to both eqiad and codfw clusters resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) dcausse (David Causse)
        T180051 T180051: Reduce the number of fields declared in elasticsearch by logstash open Low (yellow) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
          T192948 T192948: Upgrade prometheus-jmx-exporter on all services using it open Medium (orange) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
            T207656 T207656: WDQS logging should be rate limited resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
              T207834 T207834: Cleanup Wikidata Query Service logging configuration resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                T207837 T207837: wdqs updater should be better isolated from blazegraph and common workload should be shared between servers declined Medium (orange) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
                  T207843 T207843: increase restart interval of wdqs updater resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) debt (deb tankersley)
                    T230730 T230730: Better way to pause writes on elasticsearch open Medium (orange) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)
                      T260375 T260375: Integrate Wikimedia Event Utilities with discovery-parent-pom resolved Needs Triage (violet) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey)

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