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Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)

Switch to Active Tasks 40 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T112042 T112042: [Story] should lead to documentation for the ontology resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
    T117031 T117031: Represent normalized unit values in full values RDF resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
    T117032 T117032: Create configuration for specifying units conversions resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
    T125138 T125138: Create Kafka event relayer subclass able to handle WAN cache and CDN purges resolved Medium (orange) aaron (Aaron Schulz) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
      T134535 T134535: Create a class to make EventRelayer to send events to EventBus endpoint resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
        T134554 T134554: Create a plugin for recent-changes daemon to be able to process purge events for memcache declined Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
          T137272 T137272: Create BagOStuff subclass for HTTP resolved Medium (orange) aaron (Aaron Schulz) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
            T142809 T142809: Cleanup CirrusSearch.php and remove dynamic/non configuration vars resolved Low (yellow) dcausse (David Causse) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
              T142811 T142811: Find a way to keep CirrusSearch settings comments resolved Low (yellow) dcausse (David Causse) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                T144103 T144103: Create .nt (NTriples) dumps for wikidata data resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                T144768 T144768: Decide how to enable/disable unit conversions in flavors resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                  T145426 T145426: Provide a way to add new unit normalizations to the query service without a full reload resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                    T150881 T150881: add support for additional dimensions for unit conversion resolved Medium (orange) Lydia_Pintscher (Lydia Pintscher) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                      T178978 T178978: Include information about Wikidata dumps in Wikidata query service resolved Medium (orange) nichtich (Jakob Voß) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                        T185589 T185589: Repeating blank node ids in Wikidata entity RDF dumps resolved Medium (orange) hoo (Marius Hoch) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                          T188331 T188331: CirrusSearch\Query\FileFeatureTest::testWarningNumeric fails on PHP 7.0 resolved Medium (orange) Legoktm (Legoktm) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                            T204389 T204389: Update wasat/mwmaint2001 docs on Wikitech resolved Needs Triage (violet) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                              T207656 T207656: WDQS logging should be rate limited resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                T207817 T207817: WDQS Updater ran into issue and stopped working resolved High (red) Mathew.onipe (onimisionipe) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                T207834 T207834: Cleanup Wikidata Query Service logging configuration resolved High (red) Gehel (Guillaume Lederrey) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                  T207873 T207873: Make Kafka updater understand "dt" timestamp with microseconds resolved High (red) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                    T212550 T212550: Implement support for ChronologyProtection in events sent when editing Mediawiki/Wikidata resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                      T46580 T46580: Script for creating RDF dumps of all entities resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                      T50141 T50141: Implement RDF mapping for Claims/Statements resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                        T53795 T53795: Implement RDF mapping for Data Types resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                          T87892 T87892: Convert CirrusSearch to use extension registration resolved Low (yellow) Legoktm (Legoktm) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                          T92521 T92521: Improve meta-data handling in RDF-Output resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                          • Wikidata (needs discussion or investigation)
                                            T92522 T92522: Add test case for output of stubs for "mentioned" entities in RDF output resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                              T92586 T92586: Remove reference duplicates from RDF dump resolved High (red) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                T92660 T92660: Set proper decimal value precision in RDF exports declined Low (yellow) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                  T93451 T93451: Data format updates for RDF export resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                  T93453 T93453: Create distinction between coordinates on Earth and others resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                    T94115 T94115: Add property types to RDF dump resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                      T94173 T94173: Implement RDR support in RdfWriter declined Low (yellow) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                        T94224 T94224: Enable header/footer generation with RdfWriter without buffering full output. resolved Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                          T97195 T97195: [Story] Create real URLs for wikidata ontology resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                          T97522 T97522: update Wikibase ontology schema (owl) resolved Medium (orange) Lydia_Pintscher (Lydia Pintscher) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                            T98809 T98809: Add types to RDF export predicates resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                              T98810 T98810: Create specific classes for Wikibase extended values in RDF resolved Medium (orange) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)
                                                                T99820 T99820: [Task] Add reference to ontology.owl to the RDF output resolved Low (yellow) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev) Smalyshev (Stas Malyshev)

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