This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)

Switch to Active Tasks 55 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T100514 T100514: use binary data rather than text data for math_mathml, math_html and math_svg fields declined High (red) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
  • Math (Blocked: needs help)
    T106630 T106630: Migrate string constants resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Whyameri (Whyameri)
    T106631 T106631: Define a renaming schema for string constants resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
      T117307 T117307: Release Mathoid 0.2.9 resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
      T117364 T117364: Get wikitext from restbase declined Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
        T124919 T124919: Story: Improve testing framework for node projects invalid Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
          T129503 T129503: Enable test coverage for mathoid resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Pchelolo
            T132505 T132505: How to use VirtualRESTServiceClient::runMulti with named requests open Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
              T134872 T134872: Improve Math rendering errors open Lowest (sky) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
              T172767 T172767: Prepare mathoid 0.7 release (tracking) resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
              T188255 T188255: Upgrade swagger-ui version in mathoid resolved High (red) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Clarakosi (Clara Andrew-Wani)
                T197842 T197842: Deprecate texvc commands conflicting with LaTeX commands used in common packages resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                T212722 T212722: eslint-config-node-services has unmeet peer dependencies duplicate Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                  T225029 T225029: How to test Math check endpoint via swagger invalid Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                    T225030 T225030: Expose mathoid warnings via restbase resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                      T229939 T229939: Implement wikidata entity selector in OOUI input field resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                        T232866 T232866: VirtualRESTServiceClient returns status code 0 on Docker resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                          T237516 T237516: Update to MathJax 3 open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                          T239099 T239099: Link Wikipedia Articles from Specialpage Math Formula Information resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Andreg-p
                          T239356 T239356: Enable link feature for all wikis resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Andreg-p
                            T239357 T239357: Identify Page-Previews product people resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                              T246011 T246011: Replace istanbul with nyc resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                T246012 T246012: Remove jshint resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                  T247697 T247697: Rethink mathoids SVG to PNG conversion open High (red) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                    T247700 T247700: Add mathoid testing ui resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                      T249908 T249908: Move math related repositories from GitHub(?) to gerrit resolved Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                        T251662 T251662: Explain how to use Namespaces in Extensions and its relation to wgAutoloadClasses resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                          T252389 T252389: Prepare Math extension for MathJax open Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                          T252390 T252390: Implement check endpoint using the MW:Rest-API resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                          T252587 T252587: Improve developer guidelines and documentation for MW REST API framework open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                            T252590 T252590: How to give feedback regarding DI? resolved Lowest (sky) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                              T253613 T253613: Improve FactoryArgTestTrait declined Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                T254031 T254031: Enable mediawiki-quibble-apitests-vendor-docker for extension Math resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
                                                  T254056 T254056: Make LaTeX error message exceptions localizable open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                  • Texvcjs (Needs discussion or investigation)
                                                  • Math (Inbox)
                                                    T255782 T255782: Technical Advice: How to output binary (image) data using the MediaWiki\Rest API? resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Tgr (Gergő Tisza)
                                                      T255807 T255807: Implement formula endpoint using the MW:Rest-API declined Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                        T255808 T255808: Implement render endpoint using the MW:Rest-API declined Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                        T255937 T255937: Enable Phan for MW:MathSearch resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                        T255945 T255945: Fix phan warnings / errors in source files (includes) open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                          T255946 T255946: Fix phan warnings / errors in maintenance scripts open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                            T258369 T258369: MathSearch CI Jobs fail resolved High (red) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                              T259001 T259001: Add relevant people of the core services team (and others) to the npm repo for mathoid and its dependencies resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                T263229 T263229: Mathoid demo page not visible with chrome resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                  T266534 T266534: Explain and communicate Clinic Duty Stats open Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                    T268785 T268785: IDEA: Move parallel tag parsing logic from Math to core open Lowest (sky) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                      T270601 T270601: Expose texvcinfo warnings in mathoids complete endpoint resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                        T270882 T270882: Convert MathSearch to AbstractSchema open Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                          T274436 T274436: Enable RESTbaseless validation in wikibase resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Pchelolo
                                                                            T286542 T286542: HTTP request should not set timout if stream option is given declined Low (yellow) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                              T288074 T288074: Enable JS unit tests in math open Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                                T288076 T288076: Add restAPI endpoint that displays the popup contents open Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                                  T290710 T290710: How to get the location of MWRestAPI from js open Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Pchelolo
                                                                                    T78056 T78056: Storing PNG images retrieved from mathoid declined High (red) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                                    T94379 T94379: Travis PNG looks different from vagrant png resolved Needs Triage (violet) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)
                                                                                      T99369 T99369: Remove client-side MathJax rendering mode resolved Medium (orange) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz)

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