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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: WDoranWMF (Will Doran)

Switch to Active Tasks 67 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T226551 T226551: Package table_properties utility for Debian open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
T226553 T226553: Install Cassandra table properties Debian package on Cassandra hosts open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
    T226554 T226554: Document table_properties work flow resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
      T226555 T226555: Bootstrap initial Cassandra table properties configuration in Puppet open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
        T226556 T226556: Relocate MVP table_properties util repo from Github to Gerrit resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
        T226557 T226557: Integrate table_properties utility's tests into CI resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
          T228690 T228690: test herald rule invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
            T229010 T229010: Fake task invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
              T229047 T229047: Pretend Epic invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                T229048 T229048: User Story 1 invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                  T229275 T229275: Test epic invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                    T230353 T230353: Create scripts to take and restore snapshots of a wiki database resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                      T231558 T231558: Implement GET page history resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) BPirkle (BPirkle)
                      T231580 T231580: Implement GET Revision Comparison resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                      T231586 T231586: Deploy Updated wikidiff2 C++ Engine resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Pchelolo
                      T231588 T231588: Implement GET Page Revision resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) BPirkle (BPirkle)
                        T231590 T231590: Implement GET Edit Count resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) BPirkle (BPirkle)
                        T231597 T231597: Implement GET History Filter resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) BPirkle (BPirkle)
                        T231598 T231598: Compose Count Queries resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                          T231599 T231599: Compose New History Queries resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                            T231600 T231600: Consult with DBAs on required Endpoint queries resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                              T231890 T231890: Wait for effects before continuing open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                              T231893 T231893: Run tests automatically when tests changed open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                              T232531 T232531: Refactor Comment fields for CheckUser Component duplicate Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                T235560 T235560: Ensure that null is not returned in place of empty string resolved Low (yellow) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                  T235564 T235564: Implement Integration Tests for Existing iOS Endpoints resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Clarakosi (Clara Andrew-Wani)
                                  T235567 T235567: Investigate Monitoring Kask Availability via Integration Tests resolved Low (yellow) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Clarakosi (Clara Andrew-Wani)
                                    T235568 T235568: Implement Param Validation for Existence of Title and Access Rights open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                    T235663 T235663: For Compare Revision Endpoint check for page read permission resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                      T235779 T235779: Implement basic routing for rest.php resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                        T235782 T235782: Specify Canonical Version of MW REST API URI open High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Pchelolo
                                          T236168 T236168: Implement basic search endpoint resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) nnikkhoui (Nikki Nikkhoui)
                                            T236169 T236169: Implement get media links endpoint resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                              T236170 T236170: Implement get media file endpoint open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                T236172 T236172: Implement get language links endpoint resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                                  T236929 T236929: Prepare MW REST API to deploy to Production invalid High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                    T237555 T237555: Config change to enable MW REST API resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                                      T239870 T239870: Provide field for Actual Story Points to be captured resolved Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) mmodell (Mukunda Modell)
                                                        T240387 T240387: MW REST API Historical Data Endpoint Needs open High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                        T246002 T246002: Move CORE REST API to be served from the MW API Cluster open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                          T246945 T246945: New Public Wiki for the API Portal resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Urbanecm
                                                          T246946 T246946: Prepare and check storage layer for resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) nskaggs (Nicholas Skaggs)
                                                            T246949 T246949: Security Review Request for WikimediaApiPortal Skin resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Reedy (Sam Reed)
                                                            T248404 T248404: Knowledge Transfer About Data Dumps invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                              T254794 T254794: Envoy API Gateway Implementation resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                                              T254906 T254906: Basic Helm chart covering just Envoy, no rate limiting resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                T254907 T254907: Introduce Envoy rate limiting into API Gateway resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                  T254908 T254908: API Gateway LVS Endpoint resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                    T254910 T254910: Metrics and dashboards for API Gateway resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                      T254913 T254913: Integrate Envoy API Gateway into critical path resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                        T254914 T254914: Finalise Envoy configuration with completed Rate Limiter resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Clarakosi (Clara Andrew-Wani)
                                                                        T254916 T254916: Define base set of SLOs covering API Gateway resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                        T254917 T254917: Implement API Gateway solution for deployment-prep open Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                          T255182 T255182: Error saving edit on Office Wiki declined Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                            T256152 T256152: Prepare Tech Blog Post covering new Stability Annotation release open Lowest (sky) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                                                              T256154 T256154: Rollout of Stability Annotation Policy in 1.35 resolved Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                                                              T258499 T258499: Investigate Parsoid Exception: Invariant failed: Bad UTF-8 at end of string (2 byte sequence) duplicate High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                                T263858 T263858: Evaluate and Document current state of Maps from SRE perspective declined Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                                  T263884 T263884: Request for Product Feature tag to aid differentiation of initiatives and roadmap management resolved Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Kizule (Zoran Dori)
                                                                                    T263963 T263963: Evaluate requirements to productionise Sockpuppet Detection API resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                                      T264054 T264054: Request for membership of acl*procurement-review group for Platform Engineering staff resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                                        T264102 T264102: Update Linting Rules resolved Medium (orange) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Vlad.shapik (Vlad.shapik)
                                                                                          T264110 T264110: Missing error message wikimediaapiportaloauth-email-not-confirmed resolved High (red) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) Art.tsymbar (Art.tsymbar)
                                                                                            T265722 T265722: New Service Request: Sockpuppet Detection resolved Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                                            T271452 T271452: last new rule test invalid Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                                              T281132 T281132: Moving Image Suggestions Service to k8s open Needs Triage (violet) WDoranWMF (Will Doran)
                                                                                              T289692 T289692: fatal exception: Error: Call to a member function text() on string resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) WDoranWMF (Will Doran) CCicalese_WMF (Cindy Cicalese)

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