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Active Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: MediaWiki-Installer

Switch to All Tasks 20 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T139170 T139170: Provide warning about missing curl on Special:Version (or elsewhere) open Low (yellow) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
    T201749 T201749: Config script still sets "en_US.utf8" to "$wgShellLocale" for MW 1.30+ open Low (yellow) Kghbln (Karsten Hoffmeyer)
      T220514 T220514: MediaWiki web installer does not show extension when their dependency is missing open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
        T226857 T226857: Provide capability for a DB to be added in an extension open Medium (orange) MarkAHershberger (Mark A. Hershberger) Peter.ovchyn (Peter.ovchyn)
        T237839 T237839: Wire abstract schema and schema changes for extension open Needs Triage (violet) Ladsgroup (Amir Sarabadani)
          T237898 T237898: Add MariaDB version check in wikimedia/rdbms (separate from MySQL) open Medium (orange) Reedy (Sam Reed)
            T241638 T241638: ContainerDisabledException in ServiceContainer due to failed installation with different language then English open Medium (orange) mkysoft daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
              T244864 T244864: web installer / upgrade doesn't seem to recognize extension.json configuration or overrides to that configuration open Medium (orange) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
                T248854 T248854: MediaWiki installation error: MediaWiki\Storage\PageEditStash::getAndWaitForStashValue Error: 1105 Percona-XtraDB-Cluster prohibits use of GET_LOCK with pxc_strict_mode = ENFORCING open Needs Triage (violet) Nnaka1
                  T249904 T249904: After upgrade from MediaWiki 1.32 to 1.33 some pages display no text (revision_comment_temp/comment) open High (red) Nikerabbit (Niklas Laxström)
                    T252311 T252311: Fixup SQLite INSERT INTO table_tmp SELECT * FROM table open Needs Triage (violet) Reedy (Sam Reed)
                      T252481 T252481: PerconaDB integration with MediaWiki / Semantic MediaWiki extension open Needs Triage (violet) Nnaka1
                        T253248 T253248: Add ability for extensions to add db types to the installer open High (red) Art-Baltai (Art-Baltai)
                          T255151 T255151: Provide capability for a DBDriver to be specified in an extension.json open Medium (orange) Peter.ovchyn (Peter.ovchyn)
                            T255155 T255155: Provide Documentation about creating DB extensions stalled Medium (orange) Peter.ovchyn (Peter.ovchyn)
                            T263101 T263101: Make mediawiki core installer stop trying to find extensions early and check if they are loaded or not open Needs Triage (violet) Ladsgroup (Amir Sarabadani)
                              T268189 T268189: maintenance/update.php fails with error if populateArchiveRevId.php finds duplicate ar_rev_id values in archive table open Medium (orange) Carlb (Carl Austin Bennett)
                                T268293 T268293: Duplicate rows in ipblocks table causing exceptions from maintenance/update.php in MW 1.35 open Medium (orange) Carlb (Carl Austin Bennett)
                                  T286578 T286578: Mediawiki upgrade.php forgot to populate slot_roles open Medium (orange) grin (Peter Gervai)
                                    T60896 T60896: Provide Amazon Web Services (AWS) image for ready-to-go MediaWiki open Low (yellow) Nemo_bis (Nemo)

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