This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: MSantos (MSantos)

Switch to Active Tasks 14 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T213077 T213077: Migrate Kartotherian/Tilerator to Mapnik v3.1.x when released stalled Lowest (sky) MSantos (MSantos)
T215523 T215523: Upgrade node to version 10 on Beta Cluster for maps resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
    T215852 T215852: Migrate Kartotherian/Tilerator to Node 10 resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
    T216521 T216521: Create Debian packages for Node.js 8 upgrade for Maps invalid Medium (orange) MSantos (MSantos)
      T218097 T218097: [Bug] OSM DB degradation during sync as a result of missing features open High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
      T222377 T222377: Move kartotherian/tilerator logging to new logging pipeline resolved Medium (orange) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
        T238554 T238554: [Spike] Consider using imposm3 as the OSM replication system resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
          T238830 T238830: Profile proton memory usage for Helm chart resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
            T240227 T240227: [Bug] populate_admin: ERROR: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) MSantos (MSantos)
              T254014 T254014: Reimport OSM data on eqiad resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos)
                T255157 T255157: [Bug] Recommendation API returning error 500 in beta cluster blocks restbase CI resolved Medium (orange) MSantos (MSantos) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                  T261734 T261734: [Bug] service-runner prometheus metrics fails on logging open High (red) MSantos (MSantos)
                    T269582 T269582: [OSM] perform imposm3 migration in production resolved High (red) MSantos (MSantos) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                    T299049 T299049: Re-import full planet data into eqiad open High (red) MSantos (MSantos)
                    • Maps (All map-related tasks)

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