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Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: Mholloway (Michael Holloway)

Switch to Active Tasks 33 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T128237 T128237: Mobile Content Service: Add Accept: header to your HTML requests to RESTBase/Parsoid as per T124365 resolved High (red) ssastry (Subramanya Sastry) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
    T157712 T157712: Switch Kartotherian back to upstream xmldoc resolved Medium (orange) MaxSem (Max Semenik) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
      T163116 T163116: Define persistence backends for Push Notification Service resolved Medium (orange) Fjalapeno (Corey Floyd) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
        T170455 T170455: Extract the feed endpoints from PCS into a new wikifeeds service resolved High (red) Fjalapeno (Corey Floyd) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
        T173098 T173098: [BUG] Updated article version does not shown immediately upon publishing an edit in the app resolved Needs Triage (violet) Thnidu (Mark A. Mandel) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
          T173842 T173842: [BUG] Wikidata description for the specific Chinese language variant should be shown resolved Medium (orange) RHo (Rita Ho) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
            T177019 T177019: Don't reference git masters in package.json resolved High (red) Pnorman (Paul Norman) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
            T200284 T200284: Install mapnik 3.0.20 on Stretch resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
              T202642 T202642: Investigate how to fix the performance problems caused by CPU bound work on the MCS services resolved High (red) Jhernandez (Joaquin Oltra Hernandez) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                T220034 T220034: Node.js composition layer for Suggested Edits suggestions resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                T220574 T220574: Continuous errors on several REST API resources (probably related to MCS release) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                  T223989 T223989: PCS errors on media endpoint resolved High (red) Pchelolo Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                    T224754 T224754: Deploy new recommendation-api endpoints for Suggested Edits in RESTBase resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                    T225228 T225228: Add standard Blubber config resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                      T225323 T225323: HTTPS request to the MW API fails: "unable to get local issuer certificate" resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                        T227042 T227042: Suggested edits endpoints do not work in recommendation api for beta domains resolved High (red) Pchelolo Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                          T227481 T227481: Talk endpoint returns wrong etag resolved Needs Triage (violet) Pchelolo Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                            T232340 T232340: fails with 504 "upstream request timeout" resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                              T233028 T233028: Define SLIs/SLOs for wikifeeds resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                T233076 T233076: wikifeeds does not honor mwapi_req config resolved Needs Triage (violet) akosiaris (Alexandros Kosiaris) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                  T239996 T239996: Send batches of events from EPC app libraries (Java, Swift) resolved Medium (orange) mpopov (Mikhail Popov) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                    T240068 T240068: Page Content Service summary endpoint "extract" value does not vary per Accept-Language, and returns different output from expected LanguageConverter results resolved High (red) Bugreporter (Bugreporter) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                      T240518 T240518: Some jobs are not being processed / are processed slowly resolved Medium (orange) 1997kB Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                      T240733 T240733: TypeError from line 92 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.35.0-wmf.10/extensions/MachineVision/src/Client/GoogleCloudVisionClient.php: Argument 2 passed to MediaWiki\Extension\MachineVision\Client\GoogleCloudVisionClient::fetchAnnotations() must be an instance of LocalFile, boolean given resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                        T250505 T250505: Audit and update MCS/PCS API endpoint stability designations resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                          T253121 T253121: MEP Client MediaWiki PHP resolved Medium (orange) Ottomata (Andrew Otto) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                          T255157 T255157: [Bug] Recommendation API returning error 500 in beta cluster blocks restbase CI resolved Medium (orange) MSantos (MSantos) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                            T258186 T258186: Investigate why mobileapps in k8s "/{domain}/v1/data/css/mobile/site" endpoint takes way longer than on scb to complete resolved High (red) akosiaris (Alexandros Kosiaris) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                              T259269 T259269: Implement StorageManager in MEP resolved Medium (orange) Tsevener (Tsevener) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                T259917 T259917: Streams with empty configs should be rendered as {} in the JSON returned by StreamConfig API resolved High (red) mpopov (Mikhail Popov) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                  T263041 T263041: OperationError: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason in generateRandomSessionId resolved Needs Triage (violet) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                    T272863 T272863: EventLogging PHP EventServiceClient should use EventBus->send(). resolved Needs Triage (violet) Ottomata (Andrew Otto) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                      T279328 T279328: Replace usages of Linker::link() and Linker::linkKnown() in extension EventLogging resolved Medium (orange) Aklapper (Andre Klapper (WMF)) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)

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