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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Mholloway (Michael Holloway)

Switch to Active Tasks 46 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T146032 T146032: Define and implement a common push notification architecture open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
T200284 T200284: Install mapnik 3.0.20 on Stretch resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
    T200374 T200374: Update indirect dependency on open Low (yellow) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
      T209990 T209990: Test Kartotherian/Tilerator with node 10 resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) MSantos (MSantos)
      T210460 T210460: Eliminate usage of mocha-eslint resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Pchelolo
      T210815 T210815: Upgrade to node-mapnik 4.0.1 open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
        T211138 T211138: Agree on a code formatting policy for the node services resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Pchelolo
          T211989 T211989: Investigate the increase in external /page/summary requests on 01 Nov 2018 declined Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
            T218248 T218248: [Enhancement] Recheck edit suggestions before sending duplicate Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
              T218733 T218733: Migrate mobileapps to k8s and node 10 resolved Low (yellow) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) akosiaris (Alexandros Kosiaris)
              T220034 T220034: Node.js composition layer for Suggested Edits suggestions resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
              T222821 T222821: Sunset /page/definitions? declined Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                T223469 T223469: New Service Request: wikifeeds resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) akosiaris (Alexandros Kosiaris)
                  T224052 T224052: Improve mobileapps kibana dashboard invalid Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                    T224239 T224239: Swagger-router 0.7.3 causes all outgoing HTTP requests to throw 504s resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                      T224754 T224754: Deploy new recommendation-api endpoints for Suggested Edits in RESTBase resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                      T224920 T224920: Evaluate whether to create a RESTBase-backed JSON endpoint for image metadata declined High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                        T225107 T225107: Migrate recommendation-api to node 10 duplicate Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                          T225228 T225228: Add standard Blubber config resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                            T225323 T225323: HTTPS request to the MW API fails: "unable to get local issuer certificate" resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                              T225329 T225329: preq provides no useful diagnostic info with 504 internal_http_error resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                                T225516 T225516: Page summary may not be purged/regenerated after revert declined Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                  T225557 T225557: Puppet fails on newly created deployment-wikifeeds01 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Krenair (Alex Monk)
                                    T226105 T226105: Deploy new media-list endpoint in RESTBase resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                                      T229287 T229287: Profile wikifeeds memory usage for Helm chart resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) MSantos (MSantos)
                                        T231361 T231361: Stop pregenerating and storing /page/definition responses resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                                          T232340 T232340: fails with 504 "upstream request timeout" resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                            T233028 T233028: Define SLIs/SLOs for wikifeeds resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                              T234215 T234215: Stop pregenerating /page/media invalid Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                T234219 T234219: Use a standard markup specification for collecting featured feed content from individual wikis open Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                  T235173 T235173: Stop pregenerating /page/metadata resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                                                    T238832 T238832: PCS internal request rates tripled on 2019-11-19 open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                      T239120 T239120: Services downstream from RESTBase should not separately alert due to RESTBase production monitoring timeouts declined Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                        T239742 T239742: Should npm packages maintained by Wikimedia be scoped or unscoped? resolved Needs Triage (violet) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                                          T240733 T240733: TypeError from line 92 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.35.0-wmf.10/extensions/MachineVision/src/Client/GoogleCloudVisionClient.php: Argument 2 passed to MediaWiki\Extension\MachineVision\Client\GoogleCloudVisionClient::fetchAnnotations() must be an instance of LocalFile, boolean given resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                            T242722 T242722: Document the danger of the release timestamp feature in code and on-wiki open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Pchelolo
                                                              T242726 T242726: Improve the Kafka job queue's handling of unknown new jobs open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                                T247770 T247770: Grafana shows the mobile-sections-remaining receiving internal traffic since 2020-02-05 15:00 UTC resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) bearND (Bernd Sitzmann)
                                                                T248018 T248018: Drop Cassandra keyspaces for /page/references resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Eevans (Eric Evans)
                                                                  T248431 T248431: Mobile-HTML: CSP header updates not appearing on recently re-rendered pages resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Pchelolo
                                                                    T250505 T250505: Audit and update MCS/PCS API endpoint stability designations resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                                      T257620 T257620: Beta cluster changeprop job queue down since 2020-06-18 resolved Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) hnowlan (Hugh Nowlan)
                                                                        T262958 T262958: PasswordError when attempting to create a new user with createAndPromote.php open Low (yellow) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                                          T263848 T263848: Some push notifications service logs have numeric level codes open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                                                            T264101 T264101: Find a way for the push service to authenticate to MediaWiki in beta and production resolved High (red) Mholloway (Michael Holloway) MSantos (MSantos)
                                                                              T266813 T266813: mw.user.generateRandomSessionId should return a UUID open Medium (orange) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)

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