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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)

Switch to Active Tasks 27 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T228286 T228286: LocalFile.php: Call to a member function getName() on a non-object (null) duplicate Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
    T228425 T228425: User.php: Cannot create a user with no name, no ID, and no actor ID resolved Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
      T228746 T228746: mw.config empty on some pages (and fatal errors emitted) due to Unicode-unaware handling of UTF8 data by Lua resolved Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) tstarling (Tim Starling)
        T228749 T228749: AssembleUploadChunksJob triggers: SqlBagOStuff: tries to serialize closure resolved Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) tstarling (Tim Starling)
          T228758 T228758: HttpStatus.php: PHP Warning: Unknown HTTP status code default resolved Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) Anomie
            T228911 T228911: DBTransactionError "transaction round 'LinksUpdate::doUpdate' still running" (via RunSingleJob.php) declined Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
              T236464 T236464: Deadlock found when trying to get lock duplicate Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                T242961 T242961: PHP Warning: "headers already sent by" (from /w/thumb.php) duplicate Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                  T246217 T246217: At least one of: RCID, revision ID, and log ID MUST be specified when adding or removing a tag from a change! resolved High (red) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) Pchelolo
                    T251505 T251505: Transaction spent 4.7531268596649 second(s) in writes, exceeding the limit of 3 duplicate Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                      T254985 T254985: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() duplicate Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                        T258696 T258696: Class 'MediaWiki\Installer\Services\InstallerDBSupport' not found invalid Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                          T259022 T259022: Revision 105215021 belongs to page ID 2442048, the provided Title object belongs to page ID 8437055 resolved Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                            T259536 T259536: Call to a member function purgeCache() on null invalid Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                              T262900 T262900: Rebuilding l10n cache fails for train resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                T263014 T263014: Argument 2 passed to File::userCan() must be an instance of User, null given, called in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.9/includes/filerepo/LocalRepo.php on line 275 resolved High (red) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) cscott (C. Scott Ananian)
                                  T266021 T266021: PHP Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getDescription() on null resolved Needs Triage (violet) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) DannyS712
                                    T266051 T266051: Class 'TranslatablePage' not found resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                                      T271804 T271804: PHP Notice: Undefined index: Alsjdakjsdh resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) ArielGlenn (ariel)
                                        T271815 T271815: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) ArielGlenn (ariel)
                                          T276316 T276316: Argument 1 passed to MediaWiki\User\UserNameUtils::getCanonical() must be of the type string, null given, called in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.33/extensions/CentralAuth/includes/CentralAuthGroupMembershipProxy.php on line 48 resolved High (red) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) Vlad.shapik (Vlad.shapik)
                                            T276461 T276461: LogicException: Process cache for 'en-screenshot' should be set by now (from MessageCache) duplicate Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                                              T276476 T276476: Creating a page with {{safesubst:self}} throws RevisionAccessException: No such slot: main resolved High (red) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                                                T281223 T281223: MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException: Failed to load data blob from tt:9375723: Bad data in text row 9375723. Use findBadBlobs.php to remedy.. If this problem persist, use the findBadBlobs maintenance script to investigate the issue and mark bad blobs. open Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)
                                                  T281451 T281451: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionError: Transaction round stage must be 'cursory' (not 'within-rollback-callbacks') open Medium (orange) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
                                                  T281480 T281480: SqlBlobStore no longer caching blobs (DBConnectionError Too many connections) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
                                                    T281714 T281714: RuntimeException: Could not acquire lock for page ID '9277282'. open Low (yellow) LarsWirzenius (Lars Wirzenius)

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