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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)

Switch to Active Tasks 49 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T129467 T129467: HHVM 3.12 has a race-condition when starting up resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
    T134551 T134551: Create functional cluster checks for all services (and have them page!) open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
      T136603 T136603: Update to support systemd-based cgroup management open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
        T175527 T175527: Build a slim container for fluentd resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
        T175539 T175539: Build containers for statsd, prometheus-statsd-exporter resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
          T175800 T175800: Allow easy tuning of the jobqueue concurrency. open Low (yellow) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
            T177958 T177958: Decommission ocg1001-3 resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Cmjohnson (cmjohnson)
              T192071 T192071: Upgrade deployment-prep appserver fleet to Debian Stretch (using HHVM) resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                T196968 T196968: Re-organize the apache configuration for MediaWiki in puppet resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                  T201140 T201140: Puppetize the installation of PHP-FPM on the MediaWiki hosts resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                    T206338 T206338: Allow directing users to PHP7 based on a cookie resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                      T211184 T211184: Correctly collect logs from php-fpm pools resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                        T211964 T211964: Make scap and opcache work consistently together resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                          T212129 T212129: Move MainStash out of Redis to a simpler multi-dc aware solution open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
                          T213934 T213934: Set up a beta feature offering the use of PHP7 resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                            T217650 T217650: Deployment strategy for the session storage application. resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Eevans (Eric Evans)
                              T219128 T219128: Remove php7 beta feature resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                T219129 T219129: Allow directing a percentage of API traffic to PHP7 resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                                  T219148 T219148: Use PHP7 to run all async jobs resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                                    T219150 T219150: Ramp up percentage of users on php7.2 to 100% on both API and appserver clusters resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                    T220574 T220574: Continuous errors on several REST API resources (probably related to MCS release) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Mholloway (Michael Holloway)
                                      T220681 T220681: Set `enable_dl` to 0 in php.ini resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                                        T221368 T221368: cdnPurge and other jobs fail completely to execute resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                          T224260 T224260: restbase-dev1006 has a broken disk resolved Needs Triage (violet) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Eevans (Eric Evans)
                                            T224857 T224857: Enhance MediaWiki deployments for support of php7.x resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                            T226346 T226346: Update nodejs10 image to use the latest version of the package resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                              T228976 T228976: Allow to avoid installing HHVM from the mediawiki puppet module and profile resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                T233722 T233722: Set up LVS for parsoid/PHP resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                  T243520 T243520: Decommission the "session redis" cluster duplicate Needs Triage (violet) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) RLazarus (Reuven Lazarus)
                                                  T243803 T243803: API action=parse should be poolcounter-limited if a re-parse is necessary resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Peter.ovchyn (Peter.ovchyn)
                                                  T244204 T244204: siteinfo api calls should be cached for N minutes on the caching layer open Low (yellow) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Pchelolo
                                                    T244877 T244877: WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback seems not to set objects when fetching data is slow resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
                                                      T245170 T245170: Revisit timeouts, concurrency limits in remote HTTP calls from MediaWiki resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                                        T250261 T250261: Stop sending purges for `action=history` for linked pages. resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                                          T260329 T260329: Figure what change caused the ongoing memleak on mw appservers open Needs Triage (violet) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                            T263437 T263437: Allow easier ICU transitions in MediaWiki (change how sortkey collation is managed in the categorylinks table) open High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                                              T263727 T263727: Separate mediawiki latency metrics by endpoint open High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                              T263728 T263728: mtail 3.0.0-rc35 doesn't support the histogram type in -oneshot mode. resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) colewhite (cwhite)
                                                                T264991 T264991: Upgrade the MediaWiki servers to ICU 63 resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                                                                T271822 T271822: Add support for scraping php applications to the kubernetes prometheus scraper open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                  T277183 T277183: Phase out nutcracker for connecting to redis open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                    T293449 T293449: Package php 7.4 for wikimedia production resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Legoktm (Legoktm)
                                                                      T293450 T293450: Allow coexisting php version in our puppet code resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                      T293451 T293451: Allow sending traffic to php 7.2 or 7.4 selectively in the apache configuration for MediaWiki open Needs Triage (violet) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                        T293996 T293996: Build MediaWiki images for kubernetes based on php 7.4 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                          T295578 T295578: Test running php7.2 and php7.4 in parallel on the beta cluster open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                          T295580 T295580: Test php7.4 for dumps generation resolved Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) ArielGlenn (ariel)
                                                                            T89345 T89345: Missing memcached logs resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)
                                                                              T98165 T98165: Figure out an etcd deploy strategy that includes multi DC failure scenarios. open Medium (orange) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto)

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