This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Parsing-Team--ARCHIVED

Switch to Active Tasks 35 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T103461 T103461: Capturing and publish CPU Flame Graphs for Parsoid resolved Low (yellow)
    T104927 T104927: Use to style output, rather than wikitext styling open Medium (orange)
    T114072 T114072: <section> tags for MediaWiki sections resolved Medium (orange)
    T114194 T114194: MediaWiki should be able to support multiple parser engines open Low (yellow)
      T120085 T120085: RFC: Serve Main Page of Wikimedia wikis from a consistent URL open Medium (orange)
        T122942 T122942: RFC: Support language variants in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
          T128239 T128239: Google: Add Accept: header to your HTML requests to RESTBase/Parsoid as per T124365 resolved High (red)
            T134551 T134551: Create functional cluster checks for all services (and have them page!) open Medium (orange)
              T144467 T144467: Security review for Google MT for Content Translation resolved Medium (orange)
                T157670 T157670: Periodically run refreshLinks.php on production sites. open Low (yellow)
                T159512 T159512: Add option to refreshLinks.php to only update pages that haven't been updated since a timestamp open Low (yellow)
                  T159985 T159985: Implement language variant support in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
                  T165068 T165068: Parser::braceSubstitution() recreates new RequestContext and calls RequestContextCreateSkin twice open Medium (orange)
                    T165175 T165175: Support communications around the preprocessor fixups resolved Low (yellow)
                      T188167 T188167: Run parser tests with RemexHtml as the tidy implementation resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                        T197493 T197493: RFC: Track the usage of parser functions and tags open Needs Triage (violet)
                          T211527 T211527: Notice: Undefined variable: wgTidyConf in /srv/mediawiki/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php on line 3672 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                            T218817 T218817: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                              T224064 T224064: Add a wiki-specific class to interwiki link declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                T224227 T224227: php-1.34.0-wmf.6/includes/TemplateParser.php(149) : eval()'d code: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ')' duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T230076 T230076: Preprocessor_Hash: Allowed memory size exhausted open Medium (orange)
                                    T235375 T235375: Parsoid/PHP responds with 404 for titles with slashes and revision duplicate High (red)
                                      T235462 T235462: Parsoid/JS / RESTBase ETag harmonisation resolved High (red)
                                        T236382 T236382: Parsoid/PHP HTML output for PageBundle should contain Content-Language and Vary headers resolved High (red)
                                          T236388 T236388: Linting is disabled on beta cluster, but needs to be enabled resolved High (red)
                                            T236662 T236662: can't publish translation on cx2-testing and cx-ofb - Error converting HTML to wikitext: docserver-http: HTTP 0 resolved High (red)
                                              T236866 T236866: InvariantException: Invariant failed: Bad UTF-8 at start of string resolved Medium (orange)
                                                T249194 T249194: Deprecated: Use of parserTest v1 in Scribunto and SyntaxHighlight resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                                                  T250935 T250935: RemexHTML PHP 7.4 failures resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                    T251952 T251952: CoreParserFunctions::revisionuser: Call to a member function getUser() on boolean resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                                                      T256459 T256459: Increased "Allowed memory size exhausted" exceptions from MediaWiki since 2020-06-25 ~16:00 duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                                        T258226 T258226: Introduce IParser interface with `getOutput()` method for implementation invalid Needs Triage (violet)
                                                          T259485 T259485: Parsoid Cache, Parser Merge (internals, not an API) duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                                            T39902 T39902: RFC: Implement rendering of redlinks in Parsoid HTML as post-processor resolved High (red)
                                                            T4085 T4085: Add a {{USERLANGUAGE}} magic word declined Lowest (sky)

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